Producing and consuming locally is at the heart of any healthy economy.
In Lebanon, the industrial sector, contributing 8% to GDP and employing 20% of the workforce in 2018, has been severely impacted by a series of crises. Many businesses have shut down or are operating at less than 20% capacity. Despite all this we are witnessing a growing trend of consumption of local production putting forward the innovation and talent of the Lebanese in the different sectors. However, the environment remains challenging for producers who face limited access to capital and difficult export opportunities.
Our Response: The Manufacturing Hub Model
With our partner the House of Christmas, we decided to focus on identifying struggling small local factories to help them build solid foundations for sustainable growth.
Through an intensive capacity building program, we dedicate our efforts to empower small factories to facilitate their transformation into a manufacturing hub, and maximize their utilization capacity to ensure continuity and growth.
From a struggling factory to a manufacturing hub
Increase in facility utilization
Enabling the sharing of ressources and sustainable production with other producers and artisans
Increase in sales to local & global markets
Local communities & supply chains empowered
Enabling access to new & other producers
Livelihood of families protected
Read more about our implementing partner The House of Christmas.